Going to Heaven - Forgot to Leave Earth | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Going to Heaven - Forgot to Leave Earth

Posted on Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:08 AM

You know who you are, the oldest person on earth still driving a car. Drive yourself to the funeral home already, there is a casket waiting with your name on it. We all know how hard it is to give up a few privileges as we get older. We feel for you really we do but seriously—should you be driving? NO you shouldn't. You are on borrowed time my friend, so spend it wisely. Don't spend your time behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle PLEASE. You are scary to look at on a normal day but behind a wheel - wow... too much. Do you even know what year it is? Can you even see over the hood ? Why can't you get a cab or a family member to drive you to wherever it is you want to go? Got no family members left alive? Then that's a clue that you are too old to be driving. Stop it right now and save a life - your own. —Too Young to Go with You

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