Aaaawwww for Fuck's Sake! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Aaaawwww for Fuck's Sake!

Posted on Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 9:44 AM

I don't know about you, but I've been able to piss in the toilet since I was about 4, plus I knew how to lift the toilet seat. So what the fuck is wrong with all the lazy, ignorant dick heads that can't hit the toilet no matter what? It's a public john for fuck's sake, show a little respect. Or is the city filled with guys that are drunk out of their minds 24/7, because this isn't just happening at the local drinking hole late into the evening. It seems to be every public toilet in the city. I agree with some of you ladies in this point... men really can be disgusting pigs. Come on guys grow up. And for the idiots that are going to say stupid shit like," you can't catch a disease from sitting on a dirty toilet seat". Let me come over to your place and piss all over your toilet and floor, see how you feel then! —Shoot Straight, or Not at All!

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