Listen to your baby, not your mp3! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Listen to your baby, not your mp3!

Posted on Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 10:07 AM

I saw you and your baby carriage crossing Devonshire yesterday as soon as I left Lady Hammond. So, I slowed right down to allow you a safe time while in the crosswalk. Then, I notice the white earphones and the mp3 player in your hand. Ferchrissakes, how would you know if I was an ambulance? How would you know if your baby wasn't wailing their tiny lungs out while you're humming along with Beyonce? C'mon, Mom, raising your baby is the most important job you have at the moment, and s/he will grow up faster than you can imagine. Shut the tunes off and talk to your child while wheeling through the neighbourhood. You'll both be safer and you'll bond better and the world will be a nicer place because of it. —Baby Talk

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