Depression / Mood Disorder | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Depression / Mood Disorder

Posted on Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:19 AM

There is NO cure, regardless of what you have read or seen on TV (there are only treatments). I look fine on the outside, you would never know that anything is wrong with me. I have had to fight this illness my whole life, explaining to employers who didn't understand, making excuses to friends & family because they didn't understand, & trying to find a reason to live because I was tired of explaining my life away.

What pisses me off the most is that my biggest fight has been with the medical community. I've been on over a dozen different anti-depressant medications (& have refused to try just as many) since I was 19 (I'm now 50). Finding an MD that would actually listen to me & not over-medicate me was almost impossible! The side-effects that come with these medications are very hard to live with & sometimes make the illness worse. I like going for a walk without sidewalks moving or my head feeling like it's floating in space, so please listen to me when I tell you about the side-effects!

I've had to deal with the arrogance of specialists who were more eager to make their point than actually HELP me & then double the very medication that was making me sick... even after I told them I couldn't function! So, doctors, listen to your patients when they talk to you, if they are still able to talk when you're done with them! Drug companies, shame on you for advertising your medications as if they were cures! There is no cure, there is only hope & that is hard to hold on to when you've spent most of your life making excuses for yourself because people don't understand. —Eternally Enraged

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