Cabittudes | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Posted on Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 9:40 AM

Seriously cabbies? Get some manners and some respect. Currently the strike is putting A LOT of us out of a mode of transportation, and it sucks, but we are making do.

I have had to use a cab over the past 48 hours and the last 3 times the cab drivers have been awful! I called and requested the first cab and the minute I got in the car he was annoyed with my destination, Fairview to Bedford Highway, close to MSVU, get over it buddy! He let me know that I was putting him in an imposition. Then he went on to bitch about the fact that I was using debit and he said eff this and eff that about my debit card. He told me that the government was going to find me because "of that fucking piece of plastic" and that he should let me out on the side of the road for "bringing that god awful piece of shit magnetic strip in his car." Then when we pulled into my driveway he was annoyed that he had to turn around, GET OVER IT! It's your job!

This morning I got a different cab driver, who pulled in, I saw him, left my apartment went down one flight of stairs and he had took off! I had to chase him down and then when I finally got in the car he said that he had places to be and things to do. He didn't know how to get to the destination and when I gave him directions he didn't believe me, pulled over, cut someone off and got out the GPS. He then continued to get angry because he had to get the GPS out. Such is life, I have had some very friendly cab drivers but for the most part they are rude and disrespectful. —Tired of the Attitude

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