We're hungry | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We're hungry

Posted on Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:44 PM

Your habit is affecting your children's health. Have you not noticed that? Or are you too stoned to even know what planet you're on? Anytime your kids come over to play with my kids, I notice how malnourished they look. If they were any thinner, they'd fall through the cracks in the sidewalk. I hate seeing your kids suffer because you favor smoking pot over providing the necessities of life to your children. I've begin inviting your kids to join us for lunch and dinner (something you don't even notice), and have spoken to you about your pot problem, but you just shrug it off and tell me to mind my own business. Well here is my business, so listen up: I've reported you to social services and they'll be coming to my house this week to get my statement. And guess what, your kids will probably be over here having lunch when the social worker arrives. You are a horrible mother and hopefully this is your wake up call. Put down the pot, get a job, and take responsibility for your kids. You knew how to spread your legs three times, so learn how to care for them. —They're Not Mine, But I Treat Them Like They Are

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