4 ignorant punks | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

4 ignorant punks

Posted on Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 12:41 PM

To the 4 punks (3 guys, 1 girl) coming out of a residence on South Street, across from the soccer field yesterday carrying bags of your crap with you. Wow, you 4 must feel pretty good about yourselves.

An older man, with a clear mental health issue stopped to ask you how exams were going, and what did you 4 brilliant assholes do in return? You mocked him, and made fun of his limp!! WHAT THE FUCK? How dare you? Who are you anyway? Just 4 entitled, spoiled, jack asses, who think that they run the show because mommy & daddy let them out of the house to get an education. You're really putting that education to use aren't you?

I can't wait until you 4 enter the real working world and see that your ignorant self entitled attitudes will get you nowhere in life. And when you go crawling back to mommy and daddy because you can't find jobs, and you don't understand why? It's because you all need a serious attitude adjustment and Karma is a total bitch. Now fuck off somewhere out of this city, and go back to wherever stuck up place you belong... —I'm Over Insensitive, Entitled Brats

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