Grow up and get a life | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Grow up and get a life

Posted on Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 2:36 PM

I heard you screaming and crying at your husband from the hallway about how he never touches you or texts you throughout the day. You sounded hysterical and immature. Women like you need to grow up and realize you need to own up and take accountability for the ups and downs of friendship and lovemaking in a marriage. Marriage or any relationship takes work and understanding. Get a job and a life instead of waiting all day for your loved one to send a text confirming his love for you. He married you didn't he? Move on and expand the other love you can get from friends and family. People who are too needy in relationships always get their hearts broken. Be strong and have your own life (like he does) so when you come together you can share stories and experiences. If you think you're going to be stuck like glue 'til death do you part you're sadly mistaken. —Tired of Women Feeling Sorry for Themselves

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