What a rotten rich bastard | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

What a rotten rich bastard

Posted on Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 12:50 PM

When it comes to birthdays, I am the first person to remember, buy a card, put money in it, buy a present or whatever the case may be in that particular situation. When I went to pick up the mail this morning there was a birthday card addressed to me. It was from my Aunt from far away, She had not remembered my birthday in over 22 years. I was so excited because I thought that I was going to get a few doobies BUT NO, NOTHING. You may say what an ungrateful person but these people are rolling in so much money and I mean filthy RICH. The message that she wrote in the card was mainly all about her. She is a very selfish bitch. I do not have very much myself but I will always give something in a card. I would never send a relative an empty card. I know that there are a lot of people out there who will read this bitch who will not agree with me but that is how I feel about rich people who are GREEDY. —Happy Birthday To Me

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