Soccer mom | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Soccer mom

Posted on Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 2:39 PM

A group of parents were watching their kids play soccer, and there were other children too young to play, so they were having fun on the slides, and swings nearby. One mom yelled out in front of all the other parents how many times he gets yelled at by his teacher.

Then you, my dear, told him to climb as high as he could on the monkey bars or you would take out his eye, and then you proceeded to throw rocks at him. This was like a bad movie. Then another child got tangled up with your boy, nothing serious, and you yelled out to the little kid, "You mess with my kid, you mess with me," then ran at him, saying, "You're toast, you're toast!" The other boy's mother actually had to intervene in a polite way, while we all just watched you in dismay. These were little children, under five years old. You may think you're just having fun (actually, I don't know that you were thinking at all) but it's inappropriate. You seem like a reasonably intelligent person. We don't need to hear your voice booming and bullying everyone, especially children to the point that parents have to intervene. So just...put a lid on it, please. –Bad Behaviour

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