Pretty pathetic | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Pretty pathetic

Posted on Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:20 AM

Or should I just say pathetic are the actions of a certain women's hockey team. You knew the rules, surely you've heard of the expression "zero tolerance" and know what it means, but you went right ahead and disobeyed anyway. You got caught, and guess what? Consequences. Now you're whining like little babies trying to get the punishment "overturned" because by your assertion the penalty is too steep for the actions, and afterall we're just girls. And we've always gotten away with everything up to this point by reminding whoever the authority might be. You're apparently rallying your parents and other sympathizers in a fund raising attempt to afford legal costs for taking your university to court. Really? Why don't you just grow up, accept that you did wrong (and got caught) and learn a valuable lesson from all of this. You could also set a good example for future would-be women's teams. Instead you're whining, and not exactly "being a good sport" and taking your lumps. What sort of message are the supporters of this entitled little group sending? Do whatever you want, and when you get caught, just make a lot of noise via the media and try to bully your way out of the penalty. Just take your lumps, and go forward in life with this valuable lesson about rules and the failure to obey them. You may actually do yourelf a favour in later life when you feel tempted to do the wrong thing and think twice. Character Ladies. — Cheese With That Whine?

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