This is why you don't wave people in... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

This is why you don't wave people in...

Posted on Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 2:32 PM

... Because on a stormy day, with no plows on the roads yet and three inches of snow sitting in live lanes of traffic, a sudden unexpected stop by someone trying to "be nice" means that the car coming up behind you can't necessarily stop as quickly as he normally would - thus he smashed into you... and the car coming behind him (i.e. me) can't necessarily stop as quickly either - nor could I change lanes to go around the stopped vehicles due to other traffic - so I smashed into him. Becuase of your fucking stupidity (stopping to wave somone across two lanes of live traffic in a blizzard so she could get into her driveway) I have to pay to fix your mistake. Fuck you. This is why kindness kills. Just follow the rules of the road. —You Don't Stop In The Middle Of The Road If You Don't Have To

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