4 concrete walls and a piss stained mattress | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, March 29, 2013

4 concrete walls and a piss stained mattress

Posted on Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 10:20 AM

Psychiatrists and prison officials are coming forward to testify in the death of a Canadian teen girl who was isolated in solitary confinement for three years straight. The psychiatrist is calling the girl "Sadistic, tyrannical and unstable" and the officials said they had no other option but to confine her. Think for a minute how long three years is - 365 days times three. Now realize the girl was 19 when she died so she was only 16 when locked in there. Alone. Cold. It must have been pure torture. While being treated at a Mental "Health" Hospital here in Nova Scotia, I was also put in isolation. It was no where near the length of time this teenager experienced. They isolated me for 3 weeks straight for refusing meds. I was never violent. I was (literally) thrown in there because I "seemed agitated". During that 3 weeks, I was forced to use the bathroom on the floor like an animal, was given no utensils for food, no blankets, nobody-- for 21 days. They lied and said I was banging my head on the door. I banged on the door with my fists to try to get someone to come let me out to use the bathroom. Nobody ever came. I know how they lie to save their jobs. They are liars. This girl spend 3 years in solitude in the prison system. This is not health or proper treatment. This is torturing people until they die and it is illegal and wrong. If anyone is "Sadistic, tyrannical or unstable" in this situation - it was it was the psychiatrists or "professionals" and prison officials-not the poor teenage girl! This is just another example of our media spin-doctoring the mistakes of these government officials. The legislation regarding our youth correctional facilities and mental health needs to change. Those responsible for the torture of that girl need to be prosecuted and held accountable for what they have done to that young girl. Stop dragging her memory through the mud to save your asses. It's disgusting! —I Survived Solitary Confinement

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