Night shift slave | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Night shift slave

Posted on Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 10:54 AM

I live in an apartment and I work 50 hours a week from 10PM to 8AM, so my sleep usually falls in between the hours of 9AM to 4PM (give or take an hour depending on how much noise and disturbances there are). I have let my neighbors know of this and asked kindly if they could respect that as I would respect whatever quiet times they need. Basically all I ask is don't run around your apartment wearing steel toe boots and don't crank the music up to 11 on the dial, I can usually sleep through some pretty load stuff like hurricane Juan or my fire alarm. But the dick who lives above me feels the need to do just that, music blasting all day, stomping around with shoes on, slamming doors, having shouting matches with their girlfriend (sounds more like ex-girlfriend though). I've tried reasoning with them , calling the landlord, calling the cops, and I basically get the same response from them all, its during day time hours so it doesn't matter. My landlord says that no one else complains. Well everyone else is at work during this time! Nobody respects night shift workers, sometimes during the day (when I'm asleep) i'll get a buzz from the front door of the building to go sign for a package, so I jump out of bed with my pj pants on throw on a t-shirt and go down stairs. I've actually got comments a few times when I am dressed like this that I should stop abusing the system and go get a job! What. The. Hell?? I probably work more than them. Everyone just assumes if you aren't wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase from 9AM to 5PM Monday to Friday that you are a welfare bum. Sorry, I'm really starting to rant and carry on now, but it is past my bedtime. —Zzzzzz

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