Sever the Link | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sever the Link

Posted on Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:25 AM

Yo, whats up with all these politicians being dodgy as fuck? Mayors, Senators, MLA's, MP's... every level of government is just filled with slimy dudes.

I was disgusted to read that one politician, who was charged with fraud, had the audacity to argue that he be allowed to keep his job. No, asshole. You abused your position for personal gain and left your community to foot the bill. You basically did the exact opposite of what you were meant to be doing. You can't keep your effing job and you should consider yourself lucky if you don't see any jail time.

Sadly, even if any jail time is included in the sentence, it will likely be greatly disproportionate to what someone in his riding might receive for a similar offense. And even if this fool does lose his job, will that be any consolation to the kids at the community center (or any of the other charitable organizations) that had to go without because of him?

He knew exactly what he was doing when he stole those tax dollars that had been set aside for his constituents.Yeesus, even if he DID accidentally deposit all that scrilla into his bank account, and then spend it by mistake, he should at least be considered too incompetent to govern. —The Monopoly guy

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