City Council of Idiots | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, August 2, 2013

City Council of Idiots

Posted on Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 10:26 AM

Letter to City Council expressing my anger about ripping up the nature trail to install stupid wastewater pipes.

I am here to express my extremely strong concerns about the tearing up of the nature trail to build waste water pipes. I am sure as hell against it. I am aware that the government and city council is not concerned about listening to the peoples' views and concerns over the state of the environment. I believe that all city council cares about is the money. I am sure many Haligonians agree with me.

I am an avid user of the nature trail. I have seen people skate, walk their dogs, and hike on the trail. What you are proposing to do is disgusting and should be unacceptable. I use the nature trail in lieu of the bus to get to where I need to go. It makes my life easier, the trail is scenic and get this- it creates a climate for raccoons, insects, birds and even deer to forage and pollinate. I don't believe at all that City Council shares any concern for the environment. At all. It cares about money. If you did, you would think tearing up the trail, which is a hideous idea, is abhorrent. I use that trail a lot. I see bees there, pollinating the flowers. Right now, you might be aware that bees are dying over the world (which breaks my heart), due to destruction of their habitat, pesticides , and GMO seed. if the habitat that they use is disrupted, where do they go? It has to have a harmony for the bees to thrive.

I am also an avid organic herb grower. I have learned everything I can about using organic practices. I live right on the nature trail that i have come to dearly love. Now you want to take it away from me. I see bees visiting my garden. I refuse to tolerate any of your wastewater crap corrupting my garden. I refuse to remain calm and accept this disruption of the eco-climate, of the trail i use. I use organic practices, I eat organic food, I buy organic products. I will not just lie down and take this. There had better be no 'runoff' of chemicals into my garden.

My mother was a professor of Sustainability and Economics at Saint Mary's University and Royal Roads University in British Columbia. She taught it at a Masters Level. She got me interested in using organic products and eating organic food. Due to a medical condition, and since eating organic food, I have never been healthier. The best thing to do for a garden is to not ever spray pesticides or have strong harsh chemicals. I use no such things on my garden and I have the organic micro climate in a harmonious balance. My garden is my pride and joy. I have slaved and am now enjoying the fruits of my labor. So I live right on the trail- the trail turns off at my apartment. I know now so much about the environment. When I read the disgusting article in Metro News about the tearing up of the nature trail, I thought, what a bunch of ignorant idiots. So save your ass a lot of money and rape the natural world? And you expect me to just take this shit?????

I had better not see it affect my use of the trail, to which I and many other citizens of Halifax have a right to-and which you are intentionally ruining, and it had better not affect what I have worked so hard for. You have not seen or heard of the last of me. —Jailbird Poet

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