city people ? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

city people ?

Posted on Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 1:00 PM

Where to begin. Halifax, being a small city that is often quite easy going, has been filled with angry people this past week. To the bitchy woman at the parade of lights who got mad when my mother and i sat in front of her - other people exist in the world/I feel sorry for your husband. And today, to the bald man in the fancy car who said "YOU MUST THINK I CAN SLOW DOWN PRETTY FAST!" while I was crossing Oxford street - Why yes, when you are speeding along from a block away, I do think you can stop... that is why there are blinking lights that flash and make noise - so incompetent dick wads like you can stop. No wonder so many people have been getting hit by vehicles recently, there needs to be something more to inform drivers to STOP - i don't know, maybe we should trade crossing guards for elephants. — smaller than your child/big enough to be seen.

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