Cross walk idiots | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Cross walk idiots

Posted on Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 3:00 PM

It's called a "Cross walk"!!!..not a "Cross jog", or "Cross bike" or "Cross run". Do you people really not understand that?. Really?. You people jogging across cross walks are idiots. You are suppose to approach a crosswalk, stop, look both ways, try and make eye contact with any drivers then WALK across the street when it is safe. It's very simple, there should be no confusion about how to cross a cross WALK!!!!!!!. Honestly...some of you deserve to get hit if you can't figure out to use a cross WALK!!!!!!!!.....and take your headphones off and put your phones away for 10 seconds while you cross the street. Sheeeesh. —Smarten up folks, it's not hard

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