Lady with the Sunshine Smile | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lady with the Sunshine Smile

Posted on Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 8:00 PM

To the tall, lovely, statuesque brunette with the curly long hair, pink winter hat with the brown rim and a smile that lights up the room; You're smile is like the sun! Breath-taking. And I mean that literally; it steals the breath from my lungs, and my senses with it. I can honestly say that I've never met a woman whose smile captivates me like yours. My heart stops, my breath leaves me, and senseless all I can do is smile back! And today, whatever the reason, you decided you would break the ice with a quip about how the cranberries weren't ripe enough for your popcorn-cran stringed creation, and I barely mustered two words in return, and felt like a dunce. You went about your business, and I marveled at my speechlessness. To my surprise, and possible redemption of the situation, as you were leaving from across the way you shouted to me, and like a boob I just smiled and waived goodbye assuming you were just being polite as you left. You, looking rather annoyed, continued on... So I wondered if that was a goodbye or something else. I went after you to appologize for misunderstanding and to see what you actually said, but you were gone. I'm many things, but speechless... There's a first for everything. Hopefully we'll cross paths again, and the dunce-cap I was wearing will be off. Though if it does, and you still find me frozen in place, my words departed, know that somewhere inside is a man who can form meaningful sentences, if they could only find it within themselves to acclimate to the intensity of that amazing smile. —Sun Struck

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