Stop Lying to yourself | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Stop Lying to yourself

Posted on Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 8:13 PM

So there is this very expensive winter coat fashion statement sweeping the country that has real coyote fur trimmed hoods. Stop standing there saying it’s ok because” it’s done humanly” the only humane way to take an animal’s fur is if it dies of natural causes, or if they are killed as a food source and even that’s not super HUMANE with the way mass production farming is growing larger. Let me educate you a little outside of your “its ok its humane bubble”. I went on this company’s website to see what background they give on the fur used on their product and it lead me to the standards of humane trapping in Canada which allow hunters to use leg traps, and body gripping traps. These traps will break the coyote’s neck, break their paw, or take hold of their ear ect so they are left to starve and whine in pain until they either die of starvation or are shot in the head when they are found by a hunter. Does that sound humane to you????? Sure doesn’t sound it to me. Also these traps are to be placed 274 meters outside of residential areas and even less surrounding provincial parks. So these traps not only catch coyotes they catch household pets as well….all so you can have your 700 dollar status symbol. Yes I’m well aware coyotes are caught regardless in order to keep the population at bay as they are known to be aggressive….but when you bulldoze their natural habitat where do you expect them to go????? You want to buy that coat….I can’t stop you! But stop lying to yourself and saying it is produced humanely, stop saying it’s the only coat that’s warm enough for winter especially when you only live in NS NOT THE ARTIC! And just admit it you don’t care how it’s made….you don’t care what animal has to die……its expensive…it’s a trend…it’s a status symbol and you want it. It took me all of 10 minutes to look up the information regarding trapping in Canada to see just how that fur trim make is to those lovely coats…… —Start asking questions

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