I'm Still Having a Good Friday | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, April 21, 2014

I'm Still Having a Good Friday

Posted on Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 11:09 AM

To my wonderful first customer of the day! If you think the chocolate bar is too expensive, you can opt to not buy it without making sure your cashier knows that you think it's too much and you're not happy that the thing you're not even buying is priced at what is actually an average convenience store price. And if you don't like their non-apologetic response, maybe consider that while you're out buying chocolate and pop on a holiday, picking at your cashier (who doesn't set the prices), they are here working on a holiday listening to you whine. And when you throw in a condescending "Have a good day" and don't get a response? Maybe just leave on your customer high horse and don't stop to repeat: "I SAID, 'Have a nice day.'" I sincerely hope you don't enjoy yours because you don't deserve it. -I SAID That's Cool

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