Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Friday, June 27, 2014

Posted on Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 11:31 AM

I am tired of showing up to bus stops all over this GD city and finding people smoking around the stop or shelter AND inside the shelter, basically hot boxing it. Your habit/addiction is invasive to others because the smoke is in the air thus I breath it in. You are so fucking selfish I can’t use the shelter. You know what’s worse? You fuckers take over the shelter when it’s rainy/windy/snowing SO YOU CAN FUCKING SMOKE. Can you not smoke for the few minutes you are waiting? Everyone else has to stay outside and you are BREAKING THE LAW. If you want to smoke stand down wind and 4 meters away from the stop/shelter. I don’t want cancer from all the toxic paint thinners, tar, ammonia or one of the other 599 additive-cancer causing BS.

And in case you were wondering Nova Scotia has a Smoke Free Places Act for a reason, which includes No Smoking in the following places: Educational Institutions, places of public entertainment (Bars, Pools halls, Theatres etc), Health Care Facilities, shopping areas, ferry, ferry terminal, bus, bus station or shelter, taxi, taxi shelter, limousine or vehicle carrying passengers for hire, common area of a commercial building or multi-unit residential building, including but not limited to corridors, lobbies, stairwells, elevators, escalators, escalators, eating areas, washrooms and restrooms, restaurants, lounges, beverage rooms, private clubs, cabarets, clubs or other places licensed to serve alcoholic beverages and government buildings. Do you know what that means? You can’t smoke ANYWHERE. Smoke in your fucking house, apartment or car. -Non-Smokers Everywhere

Posted on Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 11:29 AM

I am really fucking sick of working with people who spend their entire day bitching and complaining about how underpaid/underappreciated they are, how much smarter/better trained/ better educated than their bosses they are, etc, etc, etc. Do they really think all their co-workers want to be constantly bogged down by their negativity? Chances are, their co-workers are actually thinking to themselves “Fuck, I wish I didn't have to work with this asshole” or “I wish this person spent even half as much time working as they do bitching.” Oh, and the icing on the cake is when their boss/supervisor gives everyone a chance to voice their concerns at a staff meeting (you know, in a mature, adult forum), and then they sit there, not saying a word about their dozens of “issues” or even stepping in to help back up anyone else who has something to say in a valid, respectful, constructive way. Really impressive, people. -Wishing For A Private Office

Posted on Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 11:27 AM

Could someone help explain this style-/trend-challenged bloke what it means to be defined as a 'hipster'? Is it the personal grooming and apparel style which approximates an effeminate lumberjack (an oxymoron unto itself I declare)? Is it the commanding of a mode of two-wheel transportation known as the 'fixie'? Is it the obvious display of the particular sleeve tattoo that's been syndicated to include the predictable Koi fish, Samurai face and obligatory flower of some well-known plant genus?

Please tell me there's more to it than this? If, for example, the title is bestowed upon those with a proper, righteous philosophy of some kind that really stands for something meaningful and thought-provoking—please enlighten me. -DasedAndConfuzed

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Posted on Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:37 AM

Hello Drivers. You know that left lane on the highway? The one beside the right lane? That's called the “passing lane.” Not the “sitting-there-driving-the-same-fucking-speed-as-the-person-beside-you-in-the-right-lane lane.” The passing lane. Here is a scenario for you: you are in the right lane and decide the vehicle in front of you is moving too slowly. You would like to go faster. You put on your left signal (no, that stick beside the steering wheel is not just for decoration), check to ensure you are not going to run into someone who is already in the left lane, then move into the left lane, speed up until you have passed the slower vehicle in the right lane, signal right (oh yes, you get to signal again! See how easy it is when you practice?) and then move back into the right lane, now in front of the slower vehicle. Repeat as required. Simple, right? Now perhaps the dozens of people I see on my drive into work can try this out some time. Fuck. -This Is Not So Hard

Posted on Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:36 AM

If anyone knows a cyclist that has a solar panel attached to the back of their back pack, please show this bitch to them because it might save their life if we can stop them from making another unsafe lefthand turn.

Here's how the story goes: I'm in the right most lane at a red light. There is a left lane next to me for left-turning vehicles. My lane is not a turning lane, I am expected to go straight. The cyclist (not sure of gender) pulls up to my front passenger wheel ( yep, the cyclist is to right of me). The cyclist signals left with his/her arm.

I am confused about the hand signal. However, the street across from me is congested due to the parking lane, so I assume that she/he wants to take the lane. She/he was not in front of me, I did not have to yell for her/him but I did anyway because I know how difficult it can be for a cyclist. Anyway, the light turns green, I hold off on the gas pedal and let her/him get about 5-10 feet ahead of me. I was going to let her get into position in the lane ahead of me before I was going to overtake him/her.

This is a good thing, because the idiot cuts across my lane to make a left- hand turn. I could have hit her/him but fortunately for his/her sake, I am not an agressive driver and I was already feathering the brakes for his/her sake. This cyclist is DUMB, STUPID and will die if someone doesn't warn them not to drive so stupid on the streets.

The cyclist should have gotten into the left- turning lane. I cam imagine that this can be scary for some people. But it is better to be scared and alive, than dumb and dead. Furthermore, I can think of two alternate ways he could have made the turn safely. 1) get off the bike and cross as a pedestrian, and 2) go straight across the intersection, stop, turn your bike 90 degrees, and wait for the lights to change.

It is a damn good thing that the left lane was a turning lane, because if it was a lane that was allowed to go straight, there would have been a fatality. Please advise this person to trade in their solar panel for a bus pass. - sorry about the he/she thing

Posted on Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:34 AM

A mustache without a beard is probably my absolute least favourite trend. You all look like perverts to me. Grow a mountain-man beard, some stubble, or shave it clean, but cut it out with these ’80s porn-staches. -Tom Hardy's Traps

Posted on Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:33 AM

I’ve been wanting to express my feelings for awhile on this subject and now you all have the (dis)pleasure of hearing me out.

First thing’s first. Believe everything you’ve heard.
Second thing’s second. Believe nothing you’ve heard.

There’s a great deal of bitching that goes on here about moving from the Maritimes to Alberta and the experiences one can expect when moving there—and why you should do it in the first place. Whether your destination be Calgary, Edmonton or Fort McMurray—believe what people tell you about jobs, people’s attitudes, and the cost of living. Then, (un)believe it.

You see, you’ll find some people ranting about their awful experiences and then you’ll find other people advocating their fantastic move out west, their new-found prosperity and how it’s the bees knees—they’re often in direct opposition of one another. What I’m trying to say is that just like any second-hand disclosure, anecdotal information is something to surely keep under your hat but then use that information as an adjunct to your own research when attempting to figure out whether a move across the country is in your best interest.

Ok, so why am I telling you this? Well, it’s because I care about each and every one of you—well all of you except the assholes, fuckwads, discriminators, racists, misogynists…you get the picture. I grew up in rural NS, went to post-secondary school in Halifax, stuck around for a year and then moved to Alberta for reasons of my own. I’m still living and working in Alberta 16 years later.

Would I tell you it sucks here and that the money-centric attitudes of many folks here permeate not unlike that unmistakable ‘old age’ smell we all experience when we visit our grandparents’ house? Yep.

Would I tell you that based on my particular circumstances that I wouldn’t have garnered even close to the amount of financial remuneration in the Maritimes as I would have out west? Yep.

Would I tell you that I miss my homeland and my family each and every day and that I vacation there whenever I can and that I want to move back, knowing full well that although it would be financially deprecating, it would be what my soul requires? Yep.

Please know that I feel your pain, having been there when it comes to getting up the nerve to move (almost) to the other end of the country. The word ‘trepidation’ is certainly one way to describe what you’re feeling.

Like I said, I care about each and every one of you (other than the aforementioned exceptions). There are no guarantees that you’ll be better off in whatever it is you’re seeking by moving away to Alberta. Then again, you’ll never know if you don’t try. What to do? Educate yourself. Plan ahead. Make sure you’ve got a livable sum of money for the short-term on your foray into Wild Rose Country. If you can, go it with a partner or friend, you’re better off to divide and conquer. Go or don’t go. Whatever you do, share something with the rest of us so that the next person can keep your little two cents' worth under their hat. -BJA

Posted on Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:30 AM

Dumping me on my birthday? Really could have picked a better day! Thanks for making this the worst birthday of my life! -Newly Single Therefore Sad

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Posted on Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 2:02 PM

So I get the same bus every day during the week at the same time every morning. I'm currently in university and require all my texts throughout the day. Because of this I have a large, not obnoxious bag, that I put on the empty seat next to me. The bus gets maybe half-full by the time we get to the main terminal and I'm lucky to not have to transfer.

Well three stops before the terminal the same two middle-aged men who always stink of smoke, and usually blow their last puff into the bus doors, get on. One of them is now continually asking me to move my bag. At first I would ignore him and he'd go away. I'd make it look like I was listening to headphones but last week this old pervert actually tapped my shoulder and motioned at my bag. The bus was half-full, no window seats, but there were many other places to sit. I told him this and he cursed at me under his breath. I told him I was offended by his stink and not to touch me again and I'd rather stand than sit next to him. This was met by several hushed laughs toward the back of the bus. He then went up and said something to the driver. He quickly sat down in the first seat and kept moaning and groaning and half talking to himself.

I will move my bag when someone actually needs the seat but not so some pervert can try and get a closer look at me. And honestly shouldn't reeking of smoke be considered not scent-free? -Can't wait two more years

Posted on Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 2:00 PM

Was in line waiting to be served at a coffee shop in Dartmouth, after having a great, sunny ferry ride across then harbour with my young child and his friend. A man came over and mentioned that the soap dispenser in the bathroom was empty. The two ladies that were behind the counter seemed pretty indifferent about this. One replied "Oh yah...I'm not surprised. Been that kind of day." The man then gave a half smile and went to walk away when the barista added "Is the toilet still there?" To which both of the counter staff cracked up laughing.

I'm sorry...perhaps I just don't get this "counter," cooler-than-cool coffee culture. I at one time worked at a coffee shop when I was around the same age as these ladies. Never would I have imagined making a wisecrack when a customer has a complaint. I would have apologized and marched my behind over to the bathroom and filled up the dispenser. It was not busy, there were three people in total working at the time. Shame on you guys. Really. People just want to get a good coffee or refreshment in a clean and friendly environment. I bet if the owner didn't have soap to wash their hands with, you would have had that problem fixed pretty fast. Great spot...bad attitudes. - Justespressomyself