Crossing the Road with Children | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Crossing the Road with Children

Posted on Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 1:29 PM

OK - this morning on Robie Street down by the IWK, a man, his two kids and an older gentleman decided to cross the road but not at a cross walk. He had the two kids - around 3-4 years of age in front and had them point and walk - out in front of me and cars were coming up the other lane. I was so upset that this man would put these kids in danger and to teach them it is ok to cross the road if you point and walk out in front of cars. I am still shaking at the lack of common sense this man had. Your kids are so special so why put them in jeopardy. Why would you make them point and walk and have you behind them. And, then, you waved, as if it was my idea to stop - it was not. Kids walked out in front of me - I had to stop. Why would you take the chance? Be careful. —Driver with eyes in back of head, side and everywhere

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