To Intolerance | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

To Intolerance

Posted on Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 12:33 PM

This is a message to everyone who is upset, angry and annoyed about things that do not directly affect them; Homophobic, trans-phobics, Kink-phobics, Xenophobes. Yes I mean you people. How does it affect your marriage if two women you don't know get married? Religious Rhetoric you say, yet you wouldn't stone someone for not being a virgin on their wedding? No.

Why do you care is people want to wear leather and get their ass's spanked behind closed doors (hopefully of their sexy dungeon)? Or have their nipples pinched? Be a dog or a horse? When people are home doing what they want between two consenting adults...why do you care?

You will still be going to work, doing your own thing and having your vanilla hetero sex. Living your life the way you want to be without worry.

It doesn't directly affect you. When two men fuck; you will still watch tv, eat on the couch or what ever the fuck it is that you do.

It's like going to sub shop and because the person in front of you didn't order the same thing as you; you can't enjoy your sub.

If people living happy healthy lives keeps you up at night and makes you feel hatred. Maybe...just maybe you need to ask yourself why? If your answer is religion then you need to start living all of it; no more picking and choosing. But also you need to ask why religion gives you license to push your beliefs on everyone? If religion is not the answer maybe you should talk to someone, a friend, priest, a psychologist, doctor... to figure out why you hate. Because when it comes down to it... it sounds like you are just jealous of other peoples happiness. —Fr. Acceptance

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