UFC Fight Night, time to make some girls feel like shit | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, October 10, 2014

UFC Fight Night, time to make some girls feel like shit

Posted on Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 4:00 AM

To the group of guys commenting on my friend and I's appearances pretty loudly last night as we sat at a table - is that even a standardized scale? What were your expectations? That we would be flattered and hop on one of your chicken-wing stained laps? Probably not, but you probably weren't thinking "bro, let's objectify some ladiez 2nite because they are the weaker gender", either. I bet there are actually a handful of good people in your crew, so try and think for yourselves next time your bros start getting rowdy, and how it is really, really not cool to try and belittle the people around you. "They kind of look uncomfortable". Yeah, you made us feel like by merely sitting there we were making ourselves available to be scrutinized and gawked at. That is not a way to treat other people, regardless of if you are at a bar and the UFC game is on and there are hella fine young ladies sippin wine nearby. —A Nice Gal

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