Just a little thing...... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Just a little thing......

Posted on Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 4:00 AM

Actually, a couple of things....concerning a certain website that offers free online classifieds:
1: If you sold something, you really don't need to tell us...just take the ad down.
2: If you sold something and it is no longer available, see #1.
3: Pictures....I find it hard to believe that you can't post a pic these days...digital cameras are a dime a dozen and can be found almost anywhere...your phone or a vending machine toy will suffice....it's hard to make an offer or show interest when the ad says "drum kit"....no pics, no description??
4: Regarding #3...as a drummer I'm always looking to buy and sell....I enjoy it....but when I see an ad that says "9 piece drum set" I get excited...only to open the ad and see a picture of 5 drums, 2 cymbals, a hi-hat and a throne....this is not a 9 piece drum set...it's a 5 piece with hardware......and those shiny brass looking things on the stands? They are cymbals...not symbols...or simbles....
6: Please stop cluttering up the "Free Stuff" section with your cell phone and computer repair ads! There is a section called "Services" for that....just because you offer free estimates, doesn't make it a free service.
I'll shut up now......
—A. Noid

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