Too bad they tore that library down | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, December 19, 2014

Too bad they tore that library down

Posted on Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 4:00 AM

It's opening day, so I can forgive the crowds and the live band. But not the lack of reading rooms (not a sofa, not some weird pod, not a single table in a glass rectangle). Of course, you would have to actually go to a library to know that the READING ROOM is the heart of one. But at least we have game terminals (with speakers cranked on max) and a coffee shop. Plus that ugly, open-air design will amplify every snort and fart. It's not a library and fails at being a mall and when the novelty wears off, it will just be another burden. I really hope this monstrosity ruined the careers of those who designed it and I wish we could sue the people who signed off on it. Democracy is a joke and I'm ashamed to live in Halifax. —Guy who now goes to the Dal library to read

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