Signal and merge already | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Signal and merge already

Posted on Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 4:00 AM

Are drivers in Nova Scotia ever going to start signalling more than 3 metres before they turn/brake hard?! It's bad enough that the arrows painted on the roads are also very close to the white line. While riding one morning, a car proceeds to instantaneously brake and swerve right (in front of me). As I was going the same speed as the other cars and there was enough room to merge, I proceed around the left side of the car and in doing so, was honked at by the car behind me. Really?! What would you have expected - to have me wedged, maimed/killed? Proper merging is very useful on the road, but I often see drivers who don't understand the concept of a Yield sign, even getting on the highway - adjust your speed if you need to! —Pissed cyclist and driver

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