It's not over yet. | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

It's not over yet.

Posted on Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 4:00 AM

I bet you have no idea what you have done, what you took away from me on that day, what you continue to take away from me. I wish I could face you today. I wish I could make you feel as ashamed and scared and broken as you made me. I wish I could look you dead in the eyes and demand the tiniest shred of remorse that I have so desperately wished you would feel for all these years.
To this day the word hate is reserved only for you. And for myself. Because your actions continue to define who I am in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions. You haunt every waking moment of my days and every dreadful dream of my nights. You make me feel weak. You make me feel broken. You make me feel unlovable.
But you have not won. Because my story is not over yet. I'm still fighting and working and trying and LIVING and one of these days, I'll face you again. They say that success is the best revenge, and I can't wait to show you how true they are. I can't wait to show you that although you think you have one, the game is not over. I can't wait to show you that despite your actions, I am a successful and happy person and I have a life worth living. I can't wait to look you in the eye as you're charged for the crimes you've committed. I can't wait to watch you get sentenced in court.
I'm coming for you, you son of a bitch. —Your worst nightmare

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