Good Friday wasn't All That Good | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, April 6, 2015

Good Friday wasn't All That Good

Posted on Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 4:00 AM

Okay, I understand you people and your holidays, a little time off to chill and be with your family but "Good" Friday? I was there, it wasn't all that good. I mean when I arrived in Jerusalem on Sunday things going pretty well. Rode in on my donkey, people waving palm leaves ,cheering us on. This was Passover, time to rock the Romans. Sure there were those clowns and their flea market in the temple but generally things were going pretty well. Big plans were in the making but then I get ratted out. Judas, I was always said that guy had a big mouth but, NO, let's keep him an apostle. Lousy kisser too. Then the denials, Peter completes the hat trick on that one.Which brings me to TGIF, not. How would you mofos like to get 39 lashes then have a rose bush crammed on your head? Then, on the day of the crucifixion, I have to carry my own God-damned cross. You know how much they weigh? Even more with a bad back. Sure I had a bit of help with the cross but still. Then the final indignity, being a carpenter by trade, and being put to death by nails and timber. Sheesh! That Friday, it weren't good and certainly no holiday. —Jesus H.

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