Watch your mouth | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, October 23, 2015

Watch your mouth

Posted on Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 4:00 AM

To the wannabe tough guy on Argyle Street on Thursday night, I'm the guy in the blue car. I may or may not have been improperly blocking the crosswalk. These are the split second choices a driver needs to make in downtown rush hour traffic when it looks like a car is about to cut in front of you from a side street. But I do know you better watch your mouth. The next guy you shout at and call a "cunt" may not bother looking for a parking spot, he may be out of the car and smashing your teeth out right in the middle of the intersection. If there had been a spot anywhere nearby on Prince Street, I guarantee I would have followed you to finish our conversation. —Working guy just trying to get home

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