Drive with one eye open | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Drive with one eye open

Posted on Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 4:00 AM

Captains log 9 Feb.I made my Tuesday trip to work through that asteroid field that was the last snowstorm and found the sanctuary of the plowed parking lot at the top of strawberry hill in the north end,where I work. When I parked my green speeder at the top of the empty lot,I thought it would be safe but when i left,I had discovered somebody had damaged my drivers side light speed drive without any leaving any love notes. I don't need to report any names to the leader of the first order but if you want to be my valentine,drop off 150 credits or bars of latinum to pay for the replacement of the damage you did.I am in a few days a week or you can contact the parts store to find me. If you were up there shopping or possibly clearing snow,it was a bumper higher than my car that dented the hood and smashed the lens in. —lean green machine

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