Sickness Bandit | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Sickness Bandit

Posted on Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 4:00 AM

Everyone sees you walk to down the street everyday. They don't know where you are going, or how you got there. Your heart beats in pace with the sidewalk as you clench your hands and wonder what you are in for next. Through the careful art of make up and concealer with a bright smile and sense of humour - you have managed to keep it hidden. No one would be the wiser - You have a chronic illness. It has a grip on your life like no other. One moment you are happy, care free and then like a dark cloud it grips you. You want to fight back but you are paralyzed, saddened and consumed. You spend your days fighting with all you have to get better, to go to numerous appointments, tests and more. You face so much judgement. Some people think you are lazy, faking it, seeking attention or just don't want to work. Trust me, you would rather be in an office somewhere then sitting in a hospital room. The thing is, you aren't bald, and lack the typical signs of a sick person. Your days fluctuate between good and bad. You feel unlovable and worthless some days. Is it all too much? too much hassle? having to cancel plans or vacations. Limitations... fear of what could happen if you forget your medication at home. Life would be easier if he was with someone who wasn't always coping, having work problems, needing countless medications and bathroom stops. Maybe they would have more fun. Sure this sounds like a pity party for one. However the discrimination against people who have many "invisible" chronic illnesses is very real in Halifax. Remember just because you don't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there. —Breathing not so easier

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