There was no stop! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, July 8, 2016

There was no stop!

Posted on Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 4:00 AM

To the deaf woman on the 34 bus this morning who got angry at the driver for what you perceived as missing your stop in front of the TD Building, you owe her an apology. While I appreciate it is frustrating trying to communicate with someone who doesn't know sign language, you totally overreacted. The bus driver was very apologetic, and she didn't do anything wrong. There was no stop between Scotia Square and the stop you ended up getting off at. That's what she was trying to explain. You getting off the bus and screaming f-bombs made you look like a spoiled child. It's not like you had to hike 10 miles to get to where you wanted to was literally a 3 minute walk. Grow up! —34 Regular

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