The fine line... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, November 7, 2016

The fine line...

Posted on Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 12:51 PM

Dear Hallowe'en enthusiasts, There exists a fine line between Hallowe'en spooky and absolute gore. I am not usually one to comment on others creative expression, but I have to say something this year. I appreciate that you have an enthusiasm for this holiday. I do too.. However, when you are decorating and/or planning your costumes, I really want to encourage you to think about who may see your decor unintentionally. This year my neighbour decorated their home with hanged figures from her porch. Understanding the spirit of the holiday, I chose to drive around the block rather than drive by it due to the traumatic response it gives me (due to a family member dying this way) but the first time I saw it really threw me into a bad state. Over the past week, I have observed a number of vehicles driving around with fake human limbs hanging out of their trunk... and I had to think that again, while 'tis the season, it's really not fair to anyone who has been through that reality to have to replay it. Halloween has always been about ghouls, ghosts and goblins. Add in zombies and vampires if you want - but please PLEASE leave out the realistic human gore for those of us who may unintentionally be traumatized by it. —The friendly witch next door

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