When Transit just accepts racism | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, June 18, 2018

When Transit just accepts racism

Posted By on Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 10:41 AM

So I was taking the bus home from work just the other day, a guy got on the bus. And you know when you know someone is gonna cause trouble? I knew. The entire ride he was loud, and brash, but so it goes. Until two ladies, who I believe were of south Asian heritage, hopped on the bus and sat across from him. And at that point, I knew. My headphones came off, and as expected, racial slurs left his mouth. I won't repeat them, because it's not necessary. 

I wish more than anything that I had the guts to stand up to this guy, but as a small, young female, I knew it could turn violent quickly, and that's not something that I am at all equipped for.  This all happened just behind the driver, who did absolutely nothing. At all. Thankfully, the guy got off at the next stop because he wanted away from the two women. As another passenger was getting off, he said something that I couldn't work out, about the guy. To which the driver responded “Yeah, well we're not supposed to let him on anyway but…” No. Do your job. Keep your passengers safe. —H

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