Adapting to a New Home | Love the Way We Love

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Adapting to a New Home

Posted on Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:00 AM

To all the Haligonians, all the friendly, smiling pedestrians who greet me on the street and the extremely polite drivers who go out of their way to stop for me so I can safely cross the street. I thank you all. This is my first year living in Halifax, and coming from the big city of Toronto, I could not have been more pleasantly surprised by the friendliness and warmth I have received from everyone in this new city. Coming from the big city of Toronto where everyone is constantly in a rush, with their headphones in and avoiding eye contact with all the other pedestrians, I assumed it would be a similar society here in Halifax. Naturally, I followed what I was brought up with being the norm and began the year walking down the street, listening to my ipod and tuning out everyone around me. Now, seven months later, I can happily say that I have adapted to the friendly, Halifax society where I now smile to all passer-bys and will happily chat with anyone who greets me. It may have taken a while to adapt to the new social structure of the city, but I am so happy to have done so. Thanks you Halifax, for showing me that there is such a thing as a big city with a friendly, small-town feel to it. —Proud Haligonian

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