Thank You Squidmeyer | Love the Way We Love

Monday, July 25, 2011

Thank You Squidmeyer

Posted on Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 9:33 AM

Dear Squiddy, it is so very wonderful to have such a loyal, intelligent friend that allows me to be myself, validates me, and understands me. You are industrious, loyal, sweet, funny, a damned good cook and incredibly self-aware. Thank you for all your bumps in life that have moulded the fantastic person you have become. Not once have you judged me. Not once have you said, "You know what YOU need..." and not once have I had to "fib" to you to make you feel better about yourself because your head is not up your ass like so many others we know. Thank you for just being the wonderful, natural, honest, loyal (I know, I said it twice, but in your case worth repeating) as there are not many of us left out there. Thank you for being a keen, strong representative of all things beautiful, natural and "normal"... whatever that is.

Thank you for being supportive, not trashing our friends (seemingly our other "friends" feel better about themselves when trashing others). Thank you for being you. You are truely wonderful and I am so very lucky to consider you my friend. —Appreciative

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