Sunflower Girl of my Dreams | Love the Way We Love

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunflower Girl of my Dreams

Posted on Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:45 AM

Oh my god! You! It had to be love. But see, it wasn't you that attracted me to you. It was your sunflower, or sunflower that was no more. I was standing waiting patiently on coffee when I saw it; so brutal, so devastating. Someone had lopped the head off a majestic giant sidewalk sunflower. Where once an inspirational tear jerking flower stood, was now just a lonely stalk hanging in the breeze. I walked over to it to pay my respects. I said over my shoulder to my friend "Man can you believe the brutality of this world? Someone just hacked the head off this magnificent flower." And then you were there. I was so entranced by the tragedy, that I didn't see you sitting there on your step, texting, Tweeting, Snapchatting, or Instgramming. But then you sprung up into my life. You said that you had actually cut it down one day when you were in a bad mood, but you were going to grow another. I could tell that the whole planter box was of your design and care taking. It all, like you, was beautiful. Your rainbow beaded nose ring was so telling, I knew that you had made it yourself. I wondered if I would ever get to make you something for your nose. And then, just like that, it was over. The coffee was here and I had to leave. I was so stunned, so enthralled by your existence that I thought not to ask your name, your number, your Instagram name..nothing. Just a casual encounter that has now grown 6 feet tall and shining in my heart. Maybe tomorrow I will have the guts to come knock on your door. Maybe I won't. Maybe I will leave a letter or just leave some sunflower seeds. Something tells me though you already got it covered. —Gone but Not Forgetting

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