Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Posted By on Tue, May 14, 2019 at 3:46 PM

This magazine is full of revolting articles not suitable for folks with a sane mind—and you leave it all over the place for free! Any child could come along and take one, thinking it is something kind of congruous to family values in the public news form, but it is just disgusting! I don't want to hear about your sex lives you sickos—and neither do the children! Every time I have tried to flip through this thing I forget the only reason I empty the Coast paper machine every time I see one is to put the papers under where the birds sleep. Free crap catchers.
—Mary Contrary

Posted By on Tue, May 14, 2019 at 3:43 PM

As a avid cyclist of over 30 years, I know how to ride my bike. I follow the rules of the road and respect the pedestrians and traffic around me. Here are some excerpts from my ride yesterday:

Thank you to the driver of the white pickup truck on Waverly Road yesterday. Your side mirror literally touched my shoulder and helmet while both of my wheels were ON the white line. Thank you the the driver of the dump truck who passed me going through Fletcher's Lake. When you passed me, your giant empty flatbed trailer swerved to the right, going off the road and taking me with it into the ditch—fun times.

And a final thank you to the driver of the garbage truck out past Elmsdale: When you passed me doing 80km/hr with about 2 inches of space, at least the wind suction gave me a respite from the headwind I had been riding into for over a hour. The adrenaline burst of my life flashing before my eyes helped, also.
—Huggin' the line

Posted By on Tue, May 14, 2019 at 3:35 PM

I am sick and tired of all these fucks who think that the flashing light of the pedestrian signal is just a suggestion. It's not a fucking suggestion. It's a demand. Fucking stop means fucking stop!
—Disgruntled walker

Posted By on Tue, May 14, 2019 at 2:29 PM

I work in an office building and I have a candy bowl at my desk for all employees to come by and enjoy taking a candy whenever they please. But, when one individual comes by every day and grabs a handful, I'm thinking about closing down the candy shop. It's not fair for the others, since I'm trying to be nice. I can't afford to refill the bowl if this keeps up.
—Going from sweet to sour

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Posted By on Thu, May 2, 2019 at 2:11 PM

OMG - What is wrong with people? On the bus today - both times the #1 - I saw a guy get on with his 'domesticated' rat - no cage, no bag, no leash just tucked up into his hoodie! Who the fuck does that? In retrospect I should have told the driver and had both the guy and his rat thrown off the bus but I didn't want to start a riot! And on then on the way back from Dartmouth another guy decided to change his clothes - did you steal them as another rider suggested? - right on the bus we were treated to your 'show' and dude, let me tell you that was no treat! So the moral of this tale? Please leave your vermin at home but if you must travel with it use a cage or carrier. Secondly if you feel the need to change clothes please wait to do it when you get to your destination. Thank you
- Not taking the #1 for the foreseeable future

Posted By on Thu, May 2, 2019 at 1:28 PM

Fuck me, When I ask people where to go for Italian, Indian or Mexican or any other food that has not been dredged from the bottom of the sea and called fish chowder, I get "better to cook it yourself".

Please do not list a menu item as spicy if it does not have more than an extra shake of black pepper. I go online and check menus and you fucks are more concerned about whether it is vegan or gluten free rather than if it is authentic. I went to a Chinese place and asked for sriracha sauce or Chinese mustard. The waitress almost fell over as they did not have either one. For gods sake pull your taste buds out of the mud.
-someone with taste buds

Posted By on Thu, May 2, 2019 at 1:07 PM

I had a hankering for a bacon and egger the other morning, so I set off to the nearest grocery store. I picked up a package of bacon that looked pretty lean, that is, until I got it home and into the frying pan. The whole package was about 90% fat!

The only scraps of meat in the entire pack were on the edge that was against the plastic. Once you look inside, it's nothing but fat with a tiny scrap of meat along the very edge that's visible on the front of the package. How misleading to your customers! And disappointing. Now my mouth is filling with grease as I take one rubbery, gristly bite after another of this egger sandwich, my guts are turning. There is something seriously wrong with the world, we are literally living in bacon country, but can't get a decent slice of the stuff! Well, I called the company so the jokes on they are refunding my money. I'll just use this pack of pork fat to flavor my beet greens.
-Still no bacon

Posted By on Thu, May 2, 2019 at 12:09 PM

I just spent the better part of 10 bucks (8.99) on what I thought were maxi pads, only to get to work and realize I had bought stupid panty liners. The picture on the front of the packaging looked like a puffy maxi pad and the writing on the packaging that read "daily liners" was really small. So basically, I'm sticking 5 of them together, wondering whose vag were these stupid things were even made for? A barbie doll? A pixie dust fairy?

They don't even hold a thimble full of liquid. 10 minutes into my shift, I already feel a crime scene flowing in my pants. What a waste of time and money. Stop selling these useless fucking things! And what's with 10 fucking bucks for rags? And why are women's products still made with carcenogenic materials? 10 bucks a month to get cancer. I might as well buy a pack of cigs too and call it a day. What a bunch of bullshit! If men bled, shit would be free!
- Bloody arsed, bitchy and broke

Posted By on Thu, May 2, 2019 at 11:46 AM

Attention running groups of Halifax: stop blocking the fucking sidewalks.

Running shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalk and forcing pedestrians to move out of your way when common courtesy is to do the opposite is obnoxious as fuck.
—an embarrassed fellow runner