Gift ideas: For the Halifax hipster | Shoptalk | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Gift ideas: For the Halifax hipster

Thanks to Halifax’s indigenous designers, now it’s easy to shop for creative, weird or otherwise out-in-left-field types. Right on!

1 Margeurite Necklace From Cheryl Doucette's Kokopelligirl Etsy site, this necklace with glass flowers on a silver chain is just one of the many handmade creations available. $19 USD on the Kokopelligirl Etsy site,

2 Clutch Culture Zippered Pouch A rad local line with rad local accessories, consider this army green- and black-printed pouch, one of many different colours and designs available. $45,

3 Green Silk and Cotton Dress Lena Kroeker was a real standout at Atlantic Fashion Week. This dress was made from pieced silk and cotton, a one-off with a retail price that is lost in time.

4 Mil-Spex Combat Pants Remember, repurposing military gear is a tradition going back to the counterculture '60s and the punk-aggro '70s. Embrace peace and go camo! $40, The Army Navy Store, 2660 Agricola Street, 454-4330

5 Antique Brooches Antique stores are good places to find lamps, couches, silverware and stereo components, but in certain places you might find cool jewellery, such as these items in a room at Finer Things on the corner of Almon and Agricola. $22-$36, Finer Things, 2797 Agricola Street, 456-1412

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