25forever | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since May 9, 2009


  • Posted by:
    25forever on 09/03/2019 at 3:41 PM
    Tagging the whales is a good idea, and it's been thought of before. Unfortunately, right whales' anatomy and behaviour make this challenging and risky. Tags attached by suction cups don't stay on long, because of the whales' highly tactile behaviour. As for their anatomy, unlike other species, right whales don't have a dorsal fin to attach a long-term satellite tag to. In the past researchers implanted satellite tags into their blubber with sharp darts. When researchers came to understand that that presented a risk of infection and injury, they stopped doing that to this highly endangered species over 10 years ago as it wasn't considered worth the risk to the whales.
  • Posted by:
    25forever on 07/01/2015 at 1:10 PM
    Re: “Tourist de force
    Aaand ... nothing's more authentically Nova Scotian than belitting people 'from away'. Just because someone hasn't ordered live lobster before doesn't make them a 'dummy'. The person selling the lobsters could also anticipate such questions and explain how much actual meat you get from 1-lb lobster.
  • Posted by:
    25forever on 02/16/2015 at 10:06 AM
    Pigeon - it's an extremely long transition, considering I've been hearing downtown business 'leaders' saying that since 2005. And that's only when I started to pay attention; I suspect they were saying it for some time before that too.

    As for the Pacific Building being fixed up: are you sure? Look closer. Is there any work going on above that scaffolding? Or is it just there to hold up the front of the place that has been falling off for years?
  • Posted by:
    25forever on 09/28/2014 at 12:45 PM
    I knew it! Halifax is Portlandia. Wishing all success!
  • Posted by:
    25forever on 12/13/2013 at 3:03 PM
    Well said Runner27. I also made a comment earlier that I would not use Casino Taxi for the same reason - that they have not disciplined or dismissed a driver who has admitted to stealing from a customer. My earlier comment seems to have been removed from this board.
  • Posted by:
    25forever on 12/12/2013 at 2:49 PM
    Tim Bousquet and The Coast - thank you for writing and publishing this story. Please keep pushing it.

    I have no connection to Holly or her family, though I recognized her from the bus route we both took sometimes. I am familiar with this area and this park, and I never believed the news reports about the supposed cause of her death. The police appear to have no idea what happened, as evidenced by their own wording in the reports: they "believed" and "surmised"; she "may have" etc. If only their investigative skills were as strong as their imaginative skills.
  • Posted by:
    25forever on 12/12/2013 at 2:41 PM
    To halifax Resident - no her condo does not overlook the area directly, and it would probably have been fairly dark. The concrete wedge is under the bridge and the area adjacent would have been hidden from anyone unless they were very close on the path.