Amanda Equality Campbell | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Aug 21, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Amanda Equality Campbell on 09/24/2015 at 7:22 AM
    I really wish people would take a moment to get their facts about the Tax Credit straight. I know the Liberals have been boldface lying, but there were lots of clear articles written back in the spring that explained how 1. the Tax Credit was in the best interest of the province's economy and 2. killing the industry is a big blow to the province's economy.
  • Posted by:
    Amanda Equality Campbell on 09/13/2015 at 9:33 PM
    gvjobs I find your comments here to be an insult to Kerry Miller's professionalism. You're implying here that women "of a certain age" can't handle the same constructive criticism that all the other actors in the Fringe are afforded in having their shows reviewed by The Coast. Frankly, I find that sexist and agist.

    Amanda Campbell