Michael Polidori | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Jul 27, 2013


  • Posted by:
    Michael Polidori on 07/27/2013 at 3:50 PM
    Re: “Bio-not-so-solids
    rro's comment is nonsense, based on the original article's information

    If "bio-solids" were just fecal matter that would be a tremendous improvement, which includes industrial waste. The pollution is so toxic as to cause animals to die when feeding on crops grown on sludge/bio-solid treated lands.

    rro should carefully read and understand articles before making such an irrelevant nonsensical comment that equivocates simple fecal waste with toxic municipal/industrial sludge (AKA bio-solids).

    Just read the warnings on Scott's Garden Soil or any of the nationally available soils for purchase at Lowe's Home Depot or Wal-mart. If the label has warnings about using gloves, keeping children away, not using indoors, not using in pots or mixing with your own soil thoroughly so as not to create a "growth barrier" then the package contains bio-solids.


    Your best bet to find a good soil for your garden is to go to your local nursery and ask for soils that meet organic farming standards. They are more expensive but they are safe.

    The smarter we get and the more vocal we get the safer we will all be.

    Learn about organic farming and the forces trying to crush it (Biotech corporations like Monsanto Syngenta Bayer Crop Science. Even the FDA, USDA & EPA are encouraging disatrous consequences for our farmlands and our food)

    Jon Stewart recently reported on The Daily Show that Japan and South Korea have refused shipments of wheat from Oregon because of contamination with genetically modified wheat.
    Jon Stewart also reported on the Monsanto Protection Act, snuck into legislation without anyone in congress admitting who caused this to happen... it was ANONYMOUS!!!

    Among all of the other fights "we the people" must wage we have to force our own elected representatives to act in the public interest... even when it comes to the food we feed our children and grandchildren!!

    This is one of many important issues our elected representatives have decided to support corporate profits on instead of the health and safety of Americans.

    Organic and sustainable. It can be done.