12345678 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Dec 1, 2013


  • Posted by:
    JACeastcoast on 12/01/2013 at 11:34 PM
    The reader's of this article should be adequately informed about the scientific facts of fluoride, which Dana fails to accomplish here.

    Firstly, fluoride is not a drug. Fluoride is a mineral found naturally in the earth's crust. It is found in oceans and most fresh water supplies have some level of fluoride in them.

    Over NINETY national and international professional health organizations (including the Canadian Dental Association and the World Health Organization) support the use of fluoride for preventing cavities.

    Dental cavities is still a major problem in our society today, and may even be becoming a greater problem with the rates of obesity and sugar consumption rapidly rising.

    Valid systematic scientific review studies have been done, including the review done in 1991 by the U.S. Public Health Service Committee, which found NO association between levels of fluoride in water and human toxicity causing cancers, etc.

    As for Dana's comment about dental fluorosis - it should be noted that the Canadian Health Measures survey study (2007-2009) showed that combined, the prevalence of moderate and severe fluorosis (which is not associated with any toxic effects, only cosmetic problems), was so low that is was not even reportable.

    There are numerous benefits to community water fluoridation. It benefits all age groups and backgrounds, reduces the cost of dental treatment, and has shown to reduce dental cavities by 20-40%. Communities that have stopped water fluoridation have shown a drastic increase in dental cavities. And as far as cost goes, in reality, the cost of fluoridating water is minimal (approximately 70-something cents per person per year).