Digital_Fusion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Feb 17, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Digital_Fusion on 02/17/2014 at 9:10 PM
    There are so many better projects that money could be put into. Updating actual infrastructure for one (how is a stadium infrastructure? it serves no legitimate or worthwhile purpose.) Improved transit? Roads(Potholes are particularly bad this year, I fear for my wheels)? Sewer and Water as mentioned above?

    If we CAN afford a stadium, how about a tax break instead? And why then are we seeing (as usual) a deficit? Maybe we could set that money aside, and future idiotic project idea's money and so on and so forth and work with the province to purchase NSP back from Emera so we can stop getting gouged at every turn, while they report record profits?

    Long story short, debates about stupid ideas like this are simply the usual government tool to take minds off the real issues.
    It's just foolishness.