Visionre | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Mar 24, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Visionre on 04/03/2014 at 3:16 PM
    It's about $$$; always is.

    Last year, nurses got their knuckles rapped for excessive overtime. One nurse in CB pulled in over 200k:

    Using the guise of public safety and fighting to mandate patient ratios is simply their tactic to get back their OT. It's the only card they can play to attempt to get public opinion on their side.
  • Posted by:
    Visionre on 04/02/2014 at 4:27 PM
    You're still on a tangent Meow; and I still don't care about BSL.

    I suggest you spend your time attempting to correct the public record with the fine folks at Wikipedia. I'm guessing a lot more people refer to the information there as opposed to off topic comments in a bitch post.
  • Posted by:
    Visionre on 04/02/2014 at 10:01 AM
    First of all Meow, I definitely don't have the time to read, research and troll through 90+ comments to play he said/ she said to entertain you off topic arguments. Nor do I really care.

    Second order of business... As long as you keep commenting off topic in this thread, I will continue to point that out. As long as SHITMD keeps coming here stringing a few sentences together between his fuck off's and shut the fuck up's, I will continue to point out that he is an asshole.

    Third; If you are going to troll through the Pit Bull wiki and attempt to dissect the limitations of studies by the American Paediatric association, American society of Plastic Surgeons and Annals of Surgery, you are surely intelligent enough to quote results from studies published in a scientific journal as opposed to copying/ linking info from a special interest group. That's no different than arguing against climate change using data/reports from groups funded by dark money.

    Keep wasting your time. I'll check in periodically.
  • Posted by:
    Visionre on 04/01/2014 at 2:36 PM
    For the record, SHITMD... You're the half wit that keeps coming in here telling people to fuck off. Post #1, etc. etc. Pehaps you should heed your own advice.

    #2 Pit bulls have been bread for decades to be attack dogs and for pit fighting. You're dog may never bite anyone in it's lifetime. The probability of it biting/ mauling vs another breed is significantly higher. Is this why you're afraid to take your pet to the park?

    Here's a little Wiki excerpt:
    A 5-year (2001–05) review of dog attack victims admitted to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia determined that pit bull terriers were implicated in more than half of the bites where breed was identified. Of the 269 patients where breed was identified, 137 (51%) were attacked by pit bulls.[29] The authors wrote:
    the overwhelming number of bites involving pit bull terriers in this study and others certainly has some degree of validity when it comes to identifying bite-prone breeds. Pit bull terriers, German shepherds, and Rottweilers were the offending breeds implicated in our study, and have accounted for the majority of dog bites according to other investigators.[29]

    Funny how some owners are just like their dogs....
  • Posted by:
    Visionre on 03/31/2014 at 5:02 PM
    Let's be clear Meow... It's you and SHITMD that keep coming in here preaching your insane sermon of hate for mankind.

    There is a dog problem at PPP.
    There are irresponsible dog owners that frequent PPP.

    Now go away and find yourself some antisocial nut cases like yourself to preach to.
  • Posted by:
    Visionre on 03/31/2014 at 10:03 AM

    1000 Ways to Die ep. #### "Pit bulled to death"... That would be sweet irony. Kind of like the douche that was mauled by his pet tiger in London, ON.
    A little more extreme example of the same shit you keep spewing. I'm sure he thought his tiger was the friendliest tiger in the world. Tiger's a tiger, pit bull's a pit bull, and you're a troll. I've never heard of anybody being mauled to death by a pack of 2 year olds...
  • Posted by:
    Visionre on 03/28/2014 at 5:05 PM
    Geez Molly.. You definitely don't give a rats ass about horses, do you? It's been dead for 3 days now. We get it; it's you and your dogs against the world. You've contributed sooo much to society. Thanks for being intelligent enough to not reproduce (That go's out to you SHITMD and Meow too).


    Now let's top this thread off with a Cherry... Mr. Meow, please feed us some more of your existential BS on child euthanasia. I'm running out of popcorn.