Blunt4Lyfe | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Jan 31, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Blunt4Lyfe on 01/31/2014 at 3:42 PM
    Anything west of Quebec is irrelevant in my books (Well, lets face facts: Quebec is REALLY irrelevant). It absolutely BLOWS MY MIND how people from Ontario and west onward seem to have this deluded vision of how they are simply better than anyone or anything on the east coast. Let's see Toronto: You have no greenery, too many people, too much crime, too many Americanized retards, too much of anything that is bad. Alberta: You have nothing that is even remotely desirable. Okay, you have work. I will give you that. But do you think for one second anyone from the east coast would go out west if they didn't have too? And Vancouver, wow, the people that live there are the most self indulged, narcissistic egoites to ever live in Canada. Big whoop, you have mountains...not a real big deal after you have seen them once. Big whoop, you have water...its effing freezing water and unlike the beautiful atlantic ocea on our side, you could try to swim in those western waters if you are a major fan of hypothermia. EAST. COAST. RULES.