Brad Johns | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Brad Johns

District 14 (Middle/Upper Sackville - Beaver Bank - Lucasville)

Brad Johns
Megan Rudson

2013 grade: B+
2012 grade: C
2011 grade: B-
2010 grade: D
2009 grade: C
2008 grade: D
2007 grade: D
Cell: 476-1234

Brad Johns is probably the most underrated councillor. He consistently offers worthy insight, which goes unvalued by his colleagues. He does good constituency work, and everyone in the district knows where to find him. Importantly, he hails from the upper reaches of Sackville ---you can more easily drive to Windsor from there than to downtown Halifax---yet doesn't play into the bullshit urban/suburban divide that characterizes much of council.

It's precisely because he is under-valued, however, that he isn't getting a still-higher grade. Maybe that's unfair on our part, but Johns needs to somehow break through the divide that keeps him from being a player. Whether that means some change to his personal style, or getting dirty with some old-fashioned horse trading, we don't know.

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