Sunbathing feminine products found on Crystal Crescent Beach. | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Sunbathing feminine products found on Crystal Crescent Beach.

Sunbathing feminine products on Crystal Crescent Beach.

Remarks: It may be gross, but beached tampon applicators are a naturally occurring phenomenon, part of the never-ending circle of life. Observe. Woman buys tampon. Woman flushes plastic tampon applicator. Tampon applicator goes on a magical journey through the Halifax sewer system and becomes…the SS Tampon Applicator. The good ship Tampax, now adrift in the Atlantic Ocean, sails to the shores of Crystal Crescent Beach, and eventually, with some luck, it becomes a shell for a very slender hermit crab. Nature works in mysterious ways. Mysterious, disgusting ways.

Who's Responsible?: Department of Natural Resources, Waverley office, 861-2560.

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